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Collaborations & Partnerships

GMI is in the process of establishing a global network to raise awareness of the needs and challenges that mothers experience worldwide. We will also develop a collective response that truly addresses problems and has a positive impact on their overall well-being. To achieve this, we’re now researching the topic, reaching out and interviewing moms, helping them in their entrepreneurial journey and providing online and offline support to inspire and empower them.

Apart from the intended impact, GMI strongly relies on the Theory of Change, where the role of partners, collaborators and a diverse range of stakeholders is crucial. We want to expand partnerships globally to benefit from other organizations systems to avoid duplication of work. We are ready for new collaborations and new ideas.

We believe that partnerships are mutually beneficial and helping each other only promotes everyone’s wellbeing.

If you:


  • Want to make a mutually beneficial partnership with us

  • See your role in any of GMI’s projects

  • Need support from us to achieve something that serves moms’ mental and physical wellbeing

  • Want to suggest your case studies and success stories that we could implement jointly

  • Are having a hard time seeking some resources and GMI can help

  • Can offer your space for our event

  • Want to brainstorm with us about resource allocation for our Theory of Change

Whatever the reason is, we’re happy to hear from you!

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