Our Story
Who We Are
The GlobalMoms Initiative, or GMI, is a nonprofit and voluntary Initiative of moms from all over the world. The objective of GMI is to support every mom as she strives to achieve physical and mental well being, as well as financial independence. Furthermore, GMI will work to link global moms with the social, professional and financial resources they are seeking while providing ongoing assistance and encouragement.
Unite globalmoms and inspire
the world with MomQ!
A new world where everyone values MomQ and every mom reaches full potential!
Safety, Respect, Trust, Diversity, Inclusion, Infinity, Accountability and Sustainability
GMI's Operation Model
GMI operates as a volunteer organization, with no commercial interests. Any revenue earned will be donated to approved causes or organizations relevant to our goals, including to GMI to run its platform.
Who We Serve
GMI aims to reach and support moms who are underserved or under-represented, such as moms of children with disabilities, full-time moms in crisis, juggling working moms, struggling mom entrepreneurs at -1 to 1 business stages, regardless of age, geography, nationality, social status etc.
MomQ is a word created by GMI, it refers to mom-power and leadership. The assumption behind GMI is that every mom has MomQ! In order to explore the characteristics consisting of MomQ, GMI has launched #MomStory100 to interview moms around the globe to share their life journey. #MomStory100 also contributes to GMI MomQ action research for generalizing critical findings to redefine Mom identity.
For the detailed reseach plan, please email to info@globalmomsinitiative.com.
“We face multiple challenges in our changing world, but one factor remains constant: the timeless importance of mothers and their invaluable contribution to raising the next generation. By rewarding their efforts and enhancing their living conditions, we can secure a better future for all” - UN Secretary-General, 2009.
We can achieve our vision by using the most effective approaches possible. To adopt the promising approaches from other organisations working with our population of focus, GMI expands its partnerships and engages a diverse range of stakeholders. This way we also avoid duplication of work. By working with other networks and coalitions, activists and influencers, community and social organisations, entrepreneurs and venture foundations, beneficiaries and research institutions, women's organisations and other trustees, we can achieve our intended impact. And our strategies will guide us there:
1. Reach as many globalmoms as possible through action pillars and a strong professional volunteer team. Facilitate moms’ networking and sharing to expand our digital and global social capital to realize the changes moms need. Develop a network of local, regional and global moms communities for change.
2. Increase moms’ self-awareness and support moms to break social stigmas through #MomStory100 to redefine mom identity and reimagine moms' possibilities; the collected MomStories will also contribute to #MomQActionResearch.
3. Support woman and mom entrepreneurs to establish their own business, break social barriers and realize career aspiration through #MomCEO100. Link relevant financial and non-financial resources to moms in crisis.
4. Engage local, regional and global partners and stakeholders in GMI’s work to adopt the promising approaches in working with our population of focus.
This leads to the following types of negative impact across societies and cultures: the decline of individual well-being, loss of social cohesion, gender and economic inequality.
Theory of Change
Imagine a world where everyone values MomQ and every mom reaches full potential. At GMI we manage impact by Theory of Change. We incorporate new experiences, evidence, and understanding to develop the most effective approaches possible to achieve the intended impact. Taking on the mindset of a sceptic, we use pressure testing to find out where the gaps are and where further research is required. We collaborate with our stakeholders to confirm that needs of our target population haven’t been sufficiently addressed and when addressed, will lead to significant progress toward our intended impact. The given Theory of Change is our conceptual roadmap for how GMI aims to achieve its goal.
The Problem
“We face multiple challenges in our changing world, but one factor remains constant: the timeless importance of mothers and their invaluable contribution to raising the next generation. By rewarding their efforts and enhancing their living conditions, we can secure a better future for all” - UN Secretary-General, 2009.
Nearly two billion of the worlds’ population are mothers. They are not only caregivers but are also breadwinners for their families. They are individuals with their dreams and aspirations and each of them has a valuable story to share with the world. Their voices are not heard enough, especially of those underserved and underrepresented moms. They face various challenges at home, at workplaces, in personal and social settings. Their needs and problems havens’t been addressed sufficiently.
This leads to the following types of negative impact across societies and cultures: the decline of individual well-being, loss of social cohesion, gender and economic inequality.
We can achieve our vision by using the most effective approaches possible. To adopt the promising approaches from other organisations working with our population of focus, GMI expands its partnerships and engages a diverse range of stakeholders. This way we also avoid duplication of work. By working with other networks and coalitions, activists and influencers, community and social organisations, entrepreneurs and venture foundations, beneficiaries and research institutions, women's organisations and other trustees, we can achieve our intended impact. And our strategies will guide us there:
1. Reach as many globalmoms as possible through action pillars and a strong professional volunteer team. Facilitate moms’ networking and sharing to expand our digital and global social capital to realize the changes moms need. Develop a network of local, regional and global moms communities for change.
2. Increase moms’ self-awareness and support moms to break social stigmas through #MomStory100 to redefine mom identity and reimagine moms' possibilities; the collected MomStories will also contribute to #MomQActionResearch.
3. Support woman and mom entrepreneurs to establish their own business, break social barriers and realize career aspiration through #MomCEO100. Link relevant financial and non-financial resources to moms in crisis.
4. Engage local, regional and global partners and stakeholders in GMI’s work to adopt the promising approaches in working with our population of focus.
The Solution
Global Outcome
GMI Theory of Change guides us towards the world where MomQ is valued and accepted across the cultures and societies, where moms are given support from local and global communities to transforms themselves , and where moms as global citizens can fully contribute to the stability, progress and long-term development of the world.
Why Moms and Everyone?
Everybody on earth is born and birth is given by women. If you exist, you have/had a mom. You yourself might be or may become one.
Various studies aside, it’s clear that moms need support in many ways. They, like any other human beings, have their interests and hobbies, personal and professional life aspirations, dreams and goals. After becoming a mom of one two three or more children, a woman has extra workload in life, that without support from workplaces, families, and societies in general, they hardly exist, living from task to task. Their mental and physical conditions worsen, their productivity decreases, and their dreams can slowly fade away.
You can see it through your mom’s story, possibly through your own story, through your friend’s story, through your colleague’s story or a neighbor’s story.
Try to observe what a mom’s day looks like consciously and mindfully - ask her to tell you her story, ask her what she would do if anything was possible and what you hear may change your day or even your life. Each mom wants to and can do so much more not only for herself but also for others, it is in her nature to care more and care better.
Most moms don’t speak out and don’t reach out because most of their time and energy is spent on their families and jobs. Their voices are less heard, but being a mother develops many skills, from which we all benefit. Societies should include mothers and support their well-being all we need to do is listen to what they have to say.
You can contribute to moms’ well-being while enjoying the process of impact-making. Your values change, your network grows and remember that moms give back! Close Gender Gap for Moms and Everyone, with and through GMI.