MomStory100 Project

Every Mom Has a Story
The MomStory100 Project relies on volunteers who are story-lovers to find, link, or interview moms, and also we encourage every mom writing for herself, through her own narrative to identify real needs and barriers for individual development. For every momstory, we stick to "no revision" publishing principle, to demonstrate GMI's unconditional acceptance and support to moms, see and appreciate every mom as who they are. Check our joint page with NGO News on Women's Voices.
GMI will continue to tell mothers' stories to more people- we believe "to understand ourselves starts with understanding our own mothers". The core spirit of our story project is to "See Yourself Through Her Stories". MomStory100 also contributes to MomQActionResearch.
Read Stories:
Mom Writer Prize
The Mom Writer Prize was launched based on the deep understanding of moms' urge to break biases on motherhood and voice out in her own way without judgements, and the Prize intends to encourage every mom to write for herself and through writing to know herself better and deeper. As known, storytelling is an evidence-based self-narrative method for moms to express themselves, while getting to know and reflecting on their identities. It also means to link everyone to write for moms and see moms, in which way, raising public awareness of moms' true status and their developmental needs.
We firmly believe in the power of authentic storytelling, and every mom has a story to tell and every mom has a different story!
For more about the Prize, please email us.

Submission Requirements
Submission Timeframe:
Everyday is open for submission
Core Theme:
Related to reflections on motherhood, mom identity, or the stories of mothers whether from a first or third person perspective
Writing Philosophy:
Write for myself, write for moms!
Subject Matter:
Selection Criteria and Value Ranking
Stay true and authentic
Reflective on your growth and life journey
Inspiring and empowering for other moms and readers
Dare to talk about it openly
Leading to community and social change
Participation Steps and Timeline
Step 1: Ask yourself if you are tempted
Would I be willing to devote myself/my mothering time to writing a story?
Step 2: Write as you feel
Write at your own pace, tell your own inner story. Complete your draft and submit it to our editorial department for review. If needed, we will then provide one-on-one editorial support for text editing. GMI also offers writing workshops to those who would like some help along the way.
Send your story to to get connected right away. we will reply to every submission and email.
Step 3: GMI Editing and Publishing
Your story will be published to our Global MomStory column.
The Annual 10 MomQ Stories will be selected by an independent review team and awarded by every end of year (Dec. 31) on a rolling basis.

The Mom Story Documentary
The Mom Story Documentary Project inherits the core spirit of the writing project, by faithfully recording and telling Mom Stories through non-judgmental lenses, presenting the mothers under different life situations and phases, to unveil the root causes of Mother's Choices. This project was co-initiated by GMI, Italian Director Andrea Cavazzuti, and co- producers Kiyono, Ningxin, and Jane.
The documentary is based on more than 150 mom stories, accumulating more than 400,000 words of text. An accompanying exhibition “Mothers Choices” showcasing 10 mom portraits will be launched in Shanghai along with our community partners - MamaPro & Shantao Buy42.
Mom Writer Fellowship
Coming soon!